Sunday, February 5, 2017


Advantages of Advertising;

Advertising guarantees quick sales. The middlemen dealing with the advertised products are benefited with the advertising in the following manner.

1. Creates easy sales:
Advertisement informs consumers about the quality of the product.Hence, they know about the product.Sale of the product is easy for the wholesalers and retailers.

2. Increase in turnover:
Advertisement helps in easy and quick sales. This increases the rate of turnover and reducing the level of stock. It also reduces maintenance cost and obslescence  risk.

3. Attracts more customers:
Advertising gives detailed information about the product and the availability of the product in a particular shop. As such, it attracts more customers in that particular shop.

4. Permanent source of income:
Advertisement stabilises demand. Customers are thereby available through out the year which ensures permanent income to the middlemen.

5. Increases the prestige of the store:
Customers know about the store through advertising, The goodwill or reputation earned by the manufacturer is also shared by the selling shops. Thus, the prestige of the firm increases.

6. Reduces the burden of middlemen:
Advertising is generally under-taken by manufacturer. Therefore, middlemen's work is reduced. His job is supplemented by advertisement, which makes it easy for him to sell.

7. Stimulates sellers:
Advertisement saves the time and effort of the middlemen. He can contact many customers in a short period. This creates enthusiasm and confidence in him. 

8. Publicity:
In advertisement, product publicity and wholesale or retail shop publicity are done simultaneously. Thus, the retailers are also known to the public and there by increase their sales too.

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