Sunday, February 5, 2017



Introduction to Advertising:

The term Advertising origionates from the Latin 'Advero' Which means to turn Round. Advertising thus denotes the means employed to attention to any object or purpose. In marketing context, Advertising has been defined " as Any paid form of Non-personal presentation and promotional of ideals, good or services by an identified sponsor.

Meaning of Advertising:

Advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication of ideas, products or services or people by a sponsorer  or organisation. In is a vital tool of marketing the products, services and ideas. Advertising is an important tool of promotion. Advertising has acquired great importance in the modern India characterised by tough competition in the market, fast changes in technology, fashion and taste of the consumers.

Definitions of Advertising:

Although advertising has been variously defined by different authors but the basic theme has more or less remained the same. Some of the widely accepted definitions of advertising are as follows;

According to Philip Kotler "Advertising is non-personal form of communication conducted through paid media under clear sponsorship".

According to Willian J. Stanton " Advertising consists of all the activities  involved in presenting to a group a non-personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored message regarding a product, service or idea".

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