Saturday, February 4, 2017

promotion ,meaning and definition.


Communication is necessary in exchange activities. The products cannot be sold to the customers unless they know them. People must know that the right products are available at the right place and at the right price. This is the job of promotion in marketing. Promotion is a spark plug in  marketing mix. It can be defined as "the to facilitate the sale of goods or services".

Meaning of Promotion:

Promotion is one of the four variables is the marketing mix. Basically it is a communication between producer and the consumers. After developing the product and pricing the product the next function of marketing manager is to formulate a suitable strategy for promoting the product. Promotion strategy is the fourth key element  in overall marketing strategy. Promotion strategy focuses upon making the product flow through the marketing channels to the target market. Promotion activities in marketing are basically a communication exercise.Promotion intends to inform , persuade and influence people through communication.

Definition of Promotion:

According to Douglas W. Mellot
"Promotion encompasses all the tools in the marketing mix whose major role is persuasive communications".

According to Philip Kotler " Promotion encompasses all the tools in the marketing mix whose major role is persuasive communications".

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